Models of social business incubation Pt. 2 – Italian national report 

Models of social business incubation Pt. 2 – Italian national report 

This is an overview of an in-depth study carried out on the social businesses in Italy. The study covers a range of topics on social entrepreneurship at national level, such as geographical distribution, legal forms, policy regulations, and funding opportunities for social enterprises. Additionally, the study proposes a social business incubation model, including recommendations for organizations and programmes in order to support the process of creation and development of new innovative enterprises through a range of services and resources.

The study is one of the intellectual outputs within the project SELC – Social entrepreneurship in Local Communities, Erasmus+ Programme, 2019-1-RO01-KA204-063879, developed under the coordination of Materahub (Italy).

The presentation used in the video can be accessed HERE.


Speaker: Angela Di Benedetto, Project officer at Consorzio Materahub (Italy).


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